Building Brands
We help businesses, churches, and non-profits build beautiful brands and tell their story.
Our Process.
We start off the branding process with thorough research, in order to fully understand the current position of the brand and to explore the direction in which the new brand should take. The branding design process involves the consideration of colors, typography, imagery, icons and shapes, etc which best work to create the look and feel of the brand. The brands visual vocabulary will be reflected in your colors, fonts, logo, and overall style. The brand should be distinctive, resonate with your customers, be consistent, and stay true to your companies value.
At this phase, we will use the design concepts to illustrate how the new brand would look at various media. This will allow the designers to establish whether the new brand personality will work on different scales, materials, and digital/print.
Logo Design.
You will never get a second chance to make a first impression. BurchDesigns apply our creativity and passion to ensure your branding makes that first impression a memorable one. Your brand identity should follow your organizations ethos, be effective, and unique making it stand out from the crowd.
Additionally, we will research competitor analysis’ including a review of other similar, brand identities and advertising to help us understand the market and how to compete for market share, how to differentiate and what strategies to employ. One way to ensure that we are designing the right look for your target audience is to evaluate their profession, social preferences, age, gender, and who else is selling to them.
Our process leads to the best results for your brand. We make sure you know each step of the way.